Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”

  • Publication
    To save the most water at the lowest cost, each water utility should evaluate its customers' water use before determining conservation programs. This publication, an introduction to ESC-044 Residential Customer...
  • Course
    ...students will learn how to perform water budgeting calculations by determining water requirements, learning scheduling concepts, and proper zoning principles. This course will also introduce students to the use of...
  • Publication
    Irrigation water quality is determined by the total amounts of salts and the types of salts the water contains. In this publication, you'll learn why well water can be salty,...
  • Course
    Course Information This course consists of seven modules that educate farmers, crop consultants, water district personnel, dealers, and agency personnel on how to measure on-farm water usage using different metering...
  • Publication
    In Texas, watermelons are a favorite summer treat. They are made up of about 90 percent water, making them the perfect way to quench thirst and satisfy a sweet tooth....
  • Publication
    Providing enough water can be a problem when grazing livestock are on rangeland. This publication identifies sources of water that are the least expensive, explains how rainwater capture is done...
  • Publication
    A soil storage and infiltration system collects rainfall runoff from the roofs of buildings and directs it underground where it infiltrates the soil. Such a system conserves water and protects...
  • Publication
    Groundwater conservation districts (GCDs) are being created in many parts of Texas to allow local citizens to manage and protect their groundwater. This publication answers frequently asked questions about groundwater...
  • Publication
    Demand for water is increasing, so our aquifers must be conserved and protected. The Groundwater Conservation Districts in Texas are carrying out a number of successful programs in the areas...
  • Publication
    The greater Houston region is losing freshwater wetlands to the point that the water quality of Galveston Bay and other local water bodies is severely threatened. This publication offers a...