Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”
- Publication...crop production. This publication explores the nitrate concentrations in Texas water, health implications, federal drinking water standards, and the potential cost savings of credited Nitrate-N in irrigation water. (3 pages)...
- in graduate school. The goal of the Reuse Water Quality Research and Extension Experiences for Undergrads (REEU) program is to provide students with 1) hands-on learning experiences in reuse...
- PublicationHomeowners who use graywater to water their lawns need to understand the risks and safety issues associated with this practice. This publication discusses the constituents of graywater; their potential effects...
- PublicationHomeowners and landowners can build simple or complex systems to capture, store and use rainwater to water their landscape plants. (36 pp., 11 tables, 8 figures)
- PublicationThis publication helps educators teach students about the importance of water management and conservation, with a focus on rainwater harvesting. The activities can be used for students in grades K-12,...
- PublicationLandowners can attract wildlife to their properties by installing rainwater catchment devices. This publication explains wildlife water sources, management considerations, rainfall catchment areas and wildlife tax valuation. It also illustrates...
- We address water quality issues through a statewide network of professional educators, research partners and community collaborators. Through a variety of resources and programs related to water quality, we equip...
- Water is one of Texas’ most critical natural resources, so maintaining the health and sustainability of the Texas water sources and aquifers is vitally important. Our educational resources and regional...
- PublicationSoil storage and infiltration system collects rainfall runoff from the roofs of buildings and directs it underground where it infiltrates the soil. Such a system conserves water and protects it...
- PublicationTo protect our water supplies, pesticides must be used carefully. This publication explains how to use, store, handle, and dispose of pesticides properly. Trifold brochure. (2 pages)...