Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”

  • Publication
    A critical part of growing vegetables is determining how much water to give them. By irrigating properly, you can reduce your labor, fertilizer needs, water runoff, and soil erosion while...
  • Publication
    ...chemical, and biological effects on water quality. This publication explains how reduced plant cover, rainfall-runoff, and soil erosion affect pond and surface water quality and discusses remediation strategies. (4 pages)...
  • Course
    Course Information This course consists of seven modules that educate farmers, crop consultants, water district personnel, dealers, and agency personnel on how to measure on-farm water usage using different metering...
  • Publication
    ...drinking water may be limited. Learn how you can find and use hidden sources of water in your home and purify water to make it safe for drinking. (1 Page)...
  • Publication
    Corrosion is one of the most common problems affecting domestic water supplies. This publication outlines the causes, types of damage, health effects and methods for solving water corrosion problems. (5...
  • Publication
    Knowing how to set the proper rate for water service is a challenge for small water systems. They must generate enough revenue to remain solvent but offer affordable service. This...
  • Publication
    ...water and cause health problems for those exposed to it for a long time. However, filtering devices can remove this and other additives from well water. (3 graphics, 4 pages)...
  • Publication
    In order to keep our water supplies safe from pesticide contamination, we must understand which pesticide properties affect water quality, and how....
  • Publication
    Drinking water in Texas sometimes contains potentially harmful chemicals, including benzene. Well owners can learn how to treat their well water to remove these chemicals. (4 pages, 3 images)...
  • Publication
    ...owner cannot interpret the test results. This publication will explain how to understand a water quality report, the best water quality amendments to typical problems, and provide ranges for a...