Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”
- PublicationA raingarden is an artifical depression in the landscape that collects and stores rainfall-runoff until it can infiltrate the soil. Raingardens help conserves water and protect it from surface pollution....
- PublicationPublication Information Looking to make a real difference in your Texas community? Our Texas Regional Stormwater Wetland Manual for the Gulf Coast Region guide is your key to creating stormwater...
- PublicationCorrosion is one of the most common problems affecting domestic water supplies. This publication outlines the causes, types of damage, health effects and methods for solving water corrosion problems. (5...
- PublicationKnowing how to set the proper rate for water service is a challenge for small water systems. They must generate enough revenue to remain solvent but offer affordable service. This...
- Publication...water and cause health problems for those exposed to it for a long time. However, filtering devices can remove this and other additives from well water. (3 graphics, 4 pages)...
- PublicationIn order to keep our water supplies safe from pesticide contamination, we must understand which pesticide properties affect water quality, and how....
- PublicationDrinking water in Texas sometimes contains potentially harmful chemicals, including benzene. Well owners can learn how to treat their well water to remove these chemicals. (4 pages, 3 images)...
- Publication...owner cannot interpret the test results. This publication will explain how to understand a water quality report, the best water quality amendments to typical problems, and provide ranges for a...
- PublicationWater is a precious yet limited resource. Conservation is everyone’s responsibility. With this publication, you'll learn the do's and don'ts on how to save water in the bathroom, kitchen, and...
- as disinfection. Shock chlorination is one disinfection method employed by public suppliers to reduce bacterial contamination of water. This method also can be used by private-water-well owners. (3 pages)...