Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”

  • Publication
    ...and the nation. It includes an overview of some of the key water resource issues associated with preventing intentional contamination of water supplies served by small water systems. (8 pages)...
  • Publication
    In order to keep our water supplies safe from pesticide contamination, we must understand which pesticide properties affect water quality, and how. The subject is complex, as properties such as...
  • Publication
    ...drinking water may be limited. Learn how you can find and use hidden sources of water in your home and purify water to make it safe for drinking. (1 Page)...
  • Publication
    Water is a limited resource in Texas. This booklet explains how homeowners can establish a water management program for a home lawn that both maintains a healthy sod and also...
  • Publication
    Radionuclides in drinking water can cause serious health problems for people. This publication explains what the sources of radionuclides in water are, where high levels have been found in Texas,...
  • Publication
    ...chemical, and biological effects on water quality. This publication explains how reduced plant cover, rainfall-runoff, and soil erosion affect pond and surface water quality and discusses remediation strategies. (4 pages)...
  • Publication
    A critical part of growing vegetables is determining how much water to give them. By irrigating properly, you can reduce your labor, fertilizer needs, water runoff, and soil erosion while...
  • ...the purpose of helping conserve and protect water resources and avoiding damage from excessive water. Related Departments: Soil and Crop Sciences, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences...
  • Program
    ...evaluators, designers, installers, service providers, and regulators) is important to ensure water quality and public health protection from OSSF use. BAEN has three major programs focused towards OSSF education and...
  • Publication
    Development is seriously affecting the freshwater wetland resources in the Greater Houston Metro Area, and continued loss at the rates documented will very likely have grave implications for the long-term...