Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”
- PublicationNearly all waters contain dissolved salts and trace elements, many of which result from the natural weathering of the earth's surface. Most salinity problems in agriculture result directly from the...
- PublicationMonitoring soil water content is essential if growers want to optimize production, conserve water, reduce environmental impacts and save money. This publication illustrates how soil moisture monitoring can improve irrigation...
- PublicationLithium is a mineral commonly used to make batteries and treat mood disorders. In Texas, lithium can be found in drinking water, coal, and the produced water from oil and...
- PublicationThe participants ranked water conservation strategies for their communities. (16 pages)...
- PublicationAt eight demonstration sites in Texas, the effect of applying dairy manure to pasture and cultivated land was studied in terms of water quality. The goal was to improve water...
- PublicationThis guide helps homeowners who are seeking maintenance services for their onsite wastewater treatment systems (such as septic systems). Included are definitions of common terms used in service contracts, types...
- PublicationThe goal of this activity is to teach students how water gets from its source, then to their homes, and back into the environment-as well as how water is treated...
- PublicationThis publication explains the steps that people living near streams or lakes should take to minimize their environmental impact and improve water quality. (2 pages)...
- drinking water can poison and even kill people. This publication explains the symptoms of arsenic poisoning and common treatment methods for removing arsenic from your water supply. (6 pages)...
- CourseCourse Information This online course is primarily designed for cooperative extension agents, agriculture technical service providers, and agriculture commodity representatives. Topics discussed include the inter-dependencies between water, energy, and climate,...