Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”

  • Publication
    This publication explains the steps that people living near streams or lakes should take to minimize their environmental impact and improve water quality. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    The goal of this activity is to teach students how water gets from its source, then to their homes, and back into the environment-as well as how water is treated...
  • Publication
    Lithium is a mineral commonly used to make batteries and treat mood disorders. In Texas, lithium can be found in drinking water, coal, and the produced water from oil and...
  • Course
    Course Information This online course is primarily designed for cooperative extension agents, agriculture technical service providers, and agriculture commodity representatives. Topics discussed include the inter-dependencies between water, energy, and climate,...
  • Publication
    Drinking water in Texas sometimes contains potentially harmful chemicals, including benzene. This publication will help teach well owners how to treat their well water to remove these chemicals. (4 pages)...
  • Publication
    Perchlorate is a potential contaminate of well water that can have harmful effects on human health. Methods of removing perchlorate from water are described and illustrated. There is information to...
  • Publication
    High levels of copper in drinking water can cause health problems. This publication explains the effects of copper in water and methods of removing it. (4 pages)...
  • Publication drinking water can poison and even kill people. This publication explains the symptoms of arsenic poisoning and common treatment methods for removing arsenic from your water supply. (6 pages)...
  • Publication
    Iron and manganese can give water an unpleasant taste, odor and color. In this publication you'll learn how to know whether your water contains iron or manganese and how to...
  • Publication
    This publication explains steps that people living near streams or lakes should take to minimize their environmental impact and improve water quality. (2 pages, 4 photographs)