Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”

  • Publication
    This publication discusses the nuances of Texas' water laws that landowners must navigate when locating, designing, and filling their ponds. (3 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...elements of laws governing hunting migratory birds over and around agricultural lands. It also explains how the rules for hunting doves differ from the rules for migratory waterfowl. (5 pages)...
  • Publication
    A vegetative filter strip is an area of vegetation established to remove contaminants from runoff. This publication explains how filter strips work and details soil types, dimensions, and vegetation options....
  • Publication
    Wells can become contaminated in several ways and can cause severe illness. It is important to test your well to see if there are any harmful bacteria, viruses, or microorganisms....
  • Publication
    The objective for this activity is to teach students about cohesion and surface tension. This activity is appropriate for elementary students in grades 2 through 5. The activity can be...
  • Publication
    A vegetative filter strip is an area of vegetation established to remove contaminants from runoff. This publication explains how filter strips work and details soil types, dimensions, and vegetation options....
  • Publication
    Deep soil ripping utilizes a plow to cut into the soil, breaking up the compacted layers. This technique can prove beneficial to many landowners and livestock producers’ especially those in...
  • Publication
    Products such as paints, solvents, adhesives, oils, cleaners, batteries, pesticides, and wood preservatives are commonly used in households and on farms, but they can be hazardous to groundwater if handled...
  • Publication
    Bacterial fruit blotch is a disease occurring sporadically in almost all areas of Texas where watermelons are grown. This publication discusses symptoms, diagnosis and disease development and management. (2 pages.)
  • We offer a variety of materials and resources related to waste management, including information on on-site wastewater and sewage management. Common topics include sustainable solid waste reuse, reduction, recycling and...