Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”
- PublicationHuisache are drought-tolerant, competitive, shrub-like trees that can be difficult to control. This Brush Busters publication walks readers through methods for controlling huisache. (2 pages)...
- PublicationMesquite can be a difficult brush species to control as it is hardy, drought-tolerant, and easily adapts to rangelands. This Brush Busters publication walks readers through methods for controlling mesquite....
- PublicationThis publication describes the various turfgrass species recommended for different areas of Texas. A table lists the characteristics of those grasses, such as drought tolerance and disease tolerance, to help...
- Publication...during winter and drought periods. In this publication ranchers learn how to control pricklypear and how to use it as a valuable range resource. (8 pp., 19 photos, 1 table)...
- ProgramEarth-Kind® Landscaping uses research-proven techniques to provide maximum garden and landscape enjoyment while preserving and protecting the environment. The objective of Earth-Kind Landscaping is to combine the best of organic...
- Publication...methods to protect your muhlygrass. Who is this for? Greenhouse, nursery, landscape, and ornamental industry workers Homeowners What will you learn? Muhlygrass mealybug biology and pest habits How to identify...
- PublicationPublication Information Our free guide on Winter Injury in Warm-Season Turfgrasses in Texas tells you what you need to know to protect your turfgrass from winter injury. Inside, you'll find:...
- Program...public resource that belongs to all citizens, government has a responsibility to respond to the problems wildlife cause while at the same time protecting the resource being damaged. Resolving conflicts...
- Course...United States. This 2-hour online course will help you better understand the dangers of abusive head trauma and how to take steps to protect the children in your care from...
- PublicationHorse owners know the importance of protecting their animals from disease. This publication explains how diseases are transmitted and how horses can be protected by establishing a core vaccination and...