Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”

  • Service
    The Texas AgriLife Extension Service Soil, Water and Forage Testing Laboratory is housed in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences at Texas A&M University. The laboratory began operations in...
    Hands testing a soil sample in a beaker
  • Lab
    ...for their WaterSense product labeling program. The goal of the water sense program is to prevent water waste and to promote water savings by the labeling of approved devices through...
  • Program
    This program provides information around urban ecological issues including stormwater management, green infrastructure, stream restoration, and urban water conservation. The website contains basic information on green infrastructure management. The page...
  • Course
    ...and water quality protection, emergency action plans, land application best management practices, and animal manure storage facilities. This course is eligible for four CEU hours of DOPA credits through the...
  • Course
    ...various topics for managing animal feeding operations. In this course, you will learn about animal manure and wastewater treatment, managing manure for air quality protection, nutritional strategies, and manure utilization....
  • Publication
    This publication aims to help beef producers protect Texas waterways from contamination that is associated with the production of livestock, and that may pose a health risk to Texas citizens....
  • Publication
    This publication aims to help dairy producers protect Texas waterways from contamination that is associated with the production of livestock, and that may pose a health risk to Texas citizens....
  • Publication
    This publication aims to help horse owners protect Texas waterways from contamination that is associated with livestock, and that may pose a health risk to Texas citizens. It includes best...
  • Tools and Apps
    ...landscapes and wise water management go together. Good horticultural practice includes putting the right plant in the right place, and providing only the minimum inputs such as water and fertilizer....
  • Publication
    Drought often causes hay shortages which prompt Texas producers to buy hay from other states to support their livestock. These cool-season grasses can offer more nutritive value than warm-season perennial...