Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”
- PublicationEvery Texan lives in a watershed, whether in the city or the country. Different land uses have different impacts on water quality and quantity in waterbodies throughout the state. Watershed...
- PublicationGrass waterways are broad, shallow channels that reduce erosion and improve water quality by slowing and diverting runoff. This publication explains how to plan, schedule, design, and maintain grassed waterways...
- PublicationLike paper and plastic, some water can be recycled. This "graywater" which can be water from bathtubs and showers, clothes washing machines, and some sinks, can then be used in...
- PublicationReusing household water (graywater) to irrigate landscapes is becoming more popular. This publication explains how graywater collection and distribution systems work and what regulations pertain to their use. There are...
- Publication...our water resources. The book discusses the ways our watersheds are impaired and how they can be restored through proper management. It includes helpful resources such as lists of water...
- PublicationThis publication gives an overview of Texas water law and the regulations governing groundwater conservation districts. The powers and responsibilities of districts are summarized. Color maps show the coverage of:...
- PublicationHousehold wastewater treatment systems (septic systems) can contaminate groundwater unless they are properly designed, constructed, and maintained. This publication describes various kinds of systems and guides the homeowner in assessing...
- water sources. The publication provides research on the benefits of wild pig abatement to water quality, habitat, native species, livestock and human health. (14 pp., 3 photos, 5 figures)...
- PublicationTo protect our water supplies, pesticides must be used carefully. This publication explains how to use, store, handle, and dispose of pesticides properly. Trifold brochure. (192, 80, 77)...
- PublicationIf the amount of bare ground on your rangeland is increasing, there could be problems with water quality. Learn a simple method of monitoring the vegetative cover on your land,...