Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”

  • Course
    ...water cycle Texas watersheds impairments of water quality and quantity testing mechanisms and regulations surrounding Texas water protection programs and Best Management Practices (BMPs) in agricultural, urban and small-acreage, and...
  • Course
    ...between different categories of water Identify who owns groundwater and surface water in Texas Recall rights and limitations on rights to use groundwater in Texas Describe three key groundwater law...
  • Publication
    ...quality in the Plum Creek Watershed. This publication explains the steps being taken to improve water quality in the watershed through the implementation of a watershed protection plan. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    Publication Information Water scarcity in Texas threatens wildlife. Many landowners are working hard to protect these vital water resources. We can’t do it without you. Our "Save for a Rainy...
  • Course
    Do you want to continue your professional career in wastewater management? This online wastewater course is the fourth in a series developed to address challenges facing the onsite wastewater industry...
  • Program
    The Healthy Lawns Healthy Waters program aims to improve and protect surface water quality by enhancing awareness and knowledge of best management practices for residential landscapes. At half-day workshops, attendees...
  • Publication
    Efficient water use is critical to protecting Texas’ greatest resource. The demand for water continues to increase with population and industry growth throughout many parts of the state. Rainwater harvesting...
  • Course
    ...facing the onsite wastewater industry in Texas: wastewater treatment systems that are being organically and/or hydraulically overloaded. The entire 16-hour course series is divided into four modules, each module covering...
  • Course
    Do you want to continue your professional career in wastewater management? This online wastewater course is the third in a series developed to address challenges facing the onsite wastewater industry...
  • Course
    Do you want to continue your professional career in wastewater management? This online wastewater course is the second in a series developed to address challenges facing the onsite wastewater industry...