Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”

  • Publication
    ...limitations related to the use of water on their property. This publication discusses groundwater and surface water as well as the legal approaches to the two water categories. (5 pages)...
  • Course
    Course Information Welcome to the Texas Watershed Steward online course! Learn more about watersheds, water quality, and watershed management. Gain access to all of the information supplied in the face-to-face...
  • Publication
    According to the EPA, pollutants in stormwater discharges have a significant effect on water quality. The Clean Water Act and its amendments regulate certain discharges of stormwater. Learn which sources...
  • Publication
    ...roads. Stormwater ponds reduce the speed of water joining nearby waterways and protect surrounding areas from floods and erosion, by interrupting the surface flow and storing excessive rainwater. (8 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...common contaminants in well water in Texas, water testing methods, treatment options, well siting, and recommendations for protecting the quality of your well water. Also discussed are aquifers, watersheds, and...
  • Publication
    Simple system rainwater harvesting (also referred to as passive rainwater harvesting) utilizes the land and natural elements to slow, spread, and absorb water on site. Configuring the land with some...
  • Program
    ...for optimizing water use across the Ogallala region. Our interdisciplinary team was engaged in research, outreach and cooperative partnerships with a diverse set of stakeholders, working to support current and...
    water splashing into a pond
  • Publication order to properly treat wastewater. This manual is intended for use as an instructional guide accompanying a short course discussing wastewater loading to onsite wastewater treatment systems. (228 pages.)...
  • Tools and Apps
    ...evapotranspiration) and rainfall data from the TexasET website to generate watering recommendations. This program is performed in collaboration with cities, utilities and water districts. It significantly reduces water use for...
  • Program
    ...citizens and to help solve critical issues. What We Do The watershed is our fundamental unit of analysis. Watersheds integrate all the flows of water, mass, and energy across their...
    In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, TCWP has the resources to facilitate partnerships, planning and conservation.