Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service provides an array of resources related to fisheries and aquaculture management for landowners and commercial producers including publications, virtual learning courses, recorded webinars and how-to videos.
Aquatic Diagnostics Laboratory
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- Publication
Aquatic vegetation is a common problem in ponds, which can lead to low, dissolved oxygen fish kills, increased water evaporation, reduced access for recreation, reduced fish growth, and many other issues. In addition to mechanical, physical, and chemical control options, biological control is an efficient, relatively inexpensive way to manage some nuisance aquatic vegetation populations. […]
- Publication
This 3-page publication will explore the biology, regulations, and other considerations related to Mozambique tilapia.
- Publication
This book has long been the premiere reference for identifying the fish of coastal waters.
- Publication
This book explores the many species of coral reef fish that are just off the Texas coast.
- Publication
This publication will help you to prevent the grow of Golden Alga in your pond by teaching you the facts!