Know Your Grasses
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- Publication
- Date of Publication
- August 31, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
Grasses are one of Texas' most valuable natural resources. This publication will introduce you to the amazing variety of native and introduced grasses in Texas. Plants are arranged alphabetically by common name, with scientific names given for clarity and reference. Each grass is illustrated by line drawing and carefully described, with information about the areas of the state in which it can be found.
More choices in Crops & Produce
- Publication
This publication covers the definition of forage quality, the main factors affecting forage quality, and the components and importance of forage analyses. It focuses on the need for producers to understand forage quality and the factors that affect its constituents. This will help them improve livestock production by making decisions that optimize forage nutritive value […]
- Publication
When nitrates and prussic acid accumulate in forage, the feed may not be safe for livestock. This factsheet describes conditions that cause the accumulation of nitrates and prussic acid and symptoms of nitrate and prussic acid poisoning in forage. Testing and management of these conditions is also discussed. (5 pages)
- Publication
This 4-page publication discusses the proper management of winter annual pastures, including soil testing, grazing management, planting temperature, and cultivar selection.
- Publication
his publication discusses the five types and proposes a year-round forage management system that combines types according to a particular producer’s needs.
- Publication
This 3-page publication explains how to make the best use of hay in beef cattle operations.
- Publication
This 5-page publication offers information on selecting the most suitable variety of bermudagrass; preparing the land; planting seed, sprigs, stolons, or tops; renovating bermudagrass fields; and managing and harvesting the crop.