Essential Nutrients for Plants

Date of Publication
December 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


To be able to grow, develop, and produce at their best, plants must have specific elements or compounds called plant essential nutrients.

A plant that lacks an essential nutrient cannot complete its life cycle-the seed may not germinate; the plant may not be able to develop roots, stems, leaves, or flowers properly; or it may not be able to produce seeds to create new plants. Often the plant itself will die.

However, having too much of a nutrient can harm and even kill plants. For example, having too much nitrogen can cause a plant to grow more leaves but less or no fruit. Too much manganese can make the leaves turn yellow and eventually die. And excess boron can kill a plant.

You can save money and effort-and even your plants- if you know what and how much to give your plants. The plants will be healthier and more productive if you give them what they need-no more and no less.

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