Introduction to Outdoor and Nature Play

Date of Publication
December 14, 2023
See Agrilife Learn


A growing body of research suggests outdoor and nature play have immense benefits for children's physical and mental health and learning. The purpose of this 2-hour course is to introduce early childhood teachers and directors to some of these benefits and offer tips to help you get started integrating outdoor and nature play into your program in meaningful, impactful ways.

Course Information

A growing body of research suggests outdoor and nature play have immense benefits for children's physical and mental health and learning.

The purpose of this 2-hour course is to introduce early childhood teachers and directors to some of these benefits and offer tips to help you get started integrating outdoor and nature play into your program in meaningful, impactful ways.

After completing this training, participants should be able to:

  • Define the importance of outdoor and nature play;
  • Describe how to facilitate different levels of engagement with nature in an early childhood setting; and
  • Plan meaningful outdoor and nature play experiences for young children.

The development of this online course was 100% funded by federal Child Care and Development Funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as part of an $8,000,000 grant from the Texas Workforce Commission.

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