Search results for: “Mosquito Control Products”

  • Publication
    It is possible to manage mosquitoes around your home at a reasonable cost. This publication explains how to destroy or treat mosquito breeding sites, use backyard foggers, and apply backyard...
  • Publication
    A los pocos dias de una gran tormenta o huracan, los tejanos deben estar preparados para dos tipos principales de mosquitos: los mosquitos de agua de inundacion, que pueden emerger...
  • Publication
    Within days of a large storm or hurricane, Texans should be prepared for two main types of mosquitoes: floodwater mosquitoes, which can emerge in throngs in cities and rural areas,...
  • Publication
    This manual aims to help public health professionals prevent and respond to mosquito outbreaks. Topics include integrated mosquito management, mosquito biology and identification, control measures for all life stages, surveillance,...
  • Publication
    ...mosquitos a cualquier hora dia y noche; use repelente para mosquitos y vista de manera que impida las picaduras de mosquitos. Tambien se discute como elegir repelentes apropiados y como...
  • Publication
    This electronic download offers tips on how to avoid mosquito-borne diseases: Drain or dump any standing water around your home; watch for mosquitoes at any time of the day or...
  • Publication
    Los mosquitos no solo molestan a las personas y los animales, sino tambin transmiten muchos organismos que causan enfermedades. Esta publicacin describe el ciclo de vida del mosquito, explica cmo...
  • Publication
    Mosquitoes not only annoy people and animals, but they also transmit many disease-causing organisms. This publication describes the life cycle of mosquitoes, explains how to identify and control them, and...
  • Course
    This online course will provide an overview and in-depth knowledge of mosquitoes of Texas, the diseases they carry, and how to properly manage them. Upon passing this course, learners will...
  • Publication
    Areas flooded after a severe storm are prone to mosquito problems. Several mosquito species are a danger to humans because of the diseases they transmit. This publication explains the symptoms...