A Haemonchus Contortus Management Plan for Sheep and Goats in Texas

Date of Publication
January 25, 2022
See Agrilife Learn


Internal parasites are the single largest threat to livestock health and wellbeing of sheep and goats in Texas. Internal parasites that are resistant to dewormers has become a major issue for sheep and goat producers.

The primary control strategy for internal parasites in sheep and goats has been the use of anthelmintics. The overuse has caused the development of resistant strains and new strategies must be used.

Haemonchus contortus presents the greatest concern in Texas sheep and goats.

Common names for Haemonchus contortus include:

  • Stomach worm
  • Barber's pole worm
  • Candy cane worm
  • Wire worm

This publication identifies the sources of resistance, resistance management strategies, and available anthelmintics as well as their efficacy. (4 pages)

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