Drought Proofing the Ranch

Date of Publication
July 11, 2022
See Agrilife Learn


Does your ranch suffer from drought? Do you need better strategies during and after the drought? This course will increase your understanding of drought management strategies.

Course Information

This course will help you develop an increased understanding of risk management strategies, identify the best risk management tools, and recognize the importance of advanced preparation when a drought occurs.

Who is this for?

  • Ranchers
  • Farmers
  • Landowners
  • Land Managers

What will you learn?

  • Risk Management Products for Drought Mitigation
  • Nutritional and Other Management Strategies
  • Rangeland Management and Wildfire Mitigation Strategies During Drought
  • Economic Management Strategies to Minimize Drought Impact

This course offers 1 General and 1 IPM Agricultural CEU credits from TDA.

Course Outline

Module 1: What is a Drought Management Plan?

Learn what it takes to create a drought management plan and the many variables that impact your plan.

Module 2: Risk Management Products for Drought Mitigation

Learn where risk management programs like insurance and federal disaster programs fit into your drought management plan.

Module 3: Nutritional and Other Management Strategies

Develop an increased understanding of strategies to lessen the impact of drought and include them in a drought management plan, recognize the value of both proactive and reactive strategies, and identify the best approach to match the environment and needs of the ranch.

Module 4: Rangeland Management and Wildfire Mitigation Strategies During Drought

Develop an increased understanding of drought management, recognize the ecological role prescribed fire plays on Texas landscapes, and identify the best decisions to implement safe and effective prescribed fires.

Module 5: Economic Management Strategies to Minimize Drought Impact

Discover draught reactive and proactive short-term strategies and adapt after draught restocking strategies.

Looking for solutions in your county? Contact your local extension experts

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