Eminent Domain and Pipeline and Transmission Line Easements

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


This course is for Texas landowners, and it addresses the law regarding eminent domain in Texas and will explain when and how private property may be condemned. It also discusses the key considerations and terms to know when negotiating a pipeline or transmission line easement. If you are interested in more than one agricultural law topic, be sure to check out our Owning Your Piece of Texas course before purchasing this course.

Course Information

This course is a part of the larger Owning Your Piece of Texas course. It addresses the law regarding eminent domain in Texas and will explain when and how private property may be condemned. It also discusses the key considerations and terms to know when negotiating a pipeline or transmission line easement.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define condemnation
  • Identify the three elements of eminent domain
  • List the steps in the condemnation process in Texas
  • Identify key terms to include in a right of entry permit
  • Recognize requirements for offers prior to condemnation suit being filed.
  • Explain how adequate compensation is measured
  • Differentiate the routing process for transmission lines and pipelines
  • Distinguish between an intervenor and a protestor at a PUC routing proceeding
  • Determine if a company has eminent domain power
  • Explain key concepts related to compensation
  • Identify blanket easements and why they are problematic
  • Define key terms to consider in an easement

*You will have access to this course for 1 year before your account is unenrolled. If you enroll in the full course, you will have access to all 10 modules for 2 years.*


  • This online course is for educational purposes only, does not create an attorney-client relationship, and is not a substitute for competent legal advice by an attorney licensed in your state. The information provided is merely provided as general guidance.
  • These courses do not offer any CEU credits for a pesticide license through the Texas Department of Agriculture, CE credits for the Texas Real Estate Commission, or CLE credits for the State Bar of Texas.

This course comes with the online version of the handbook. A hard copy may be purchased by contacting Lacrecia at 806-677-5600 or emailing [email protected].

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