Evaluation of Hard Red Winter Wheat and Hard Red Spring Wheat for Resistance to Hessian Fly (Mayetiola destructor) in a Controlled Environment

Date of Publication
November 17, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


Small grains are widely grown as a cool-season forage crop for beef cattle and dairy industries in Texas. Small grains such as wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) - used for grazing - are typically planted early in fall and are therefore more vulnerable to infestation by Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor). Although delaying planting until cooler weather can reduce pressure, Texas does not have a 'fly free' date like many Northern U.S. states. However, other small grains such as barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) might be less prone to damage by Hessian fly. (5 pages)

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