LearnNow: Ranch Management University

Date of Publication
February 20, 2024
See Agrilife Learn


Texas A&M University and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service faculty produced and taught this four-day workshop in Fall 2023 that targeted new or inexperienced ranchers and landowners.

Learn how to manage a ranch from some of the top experts from Texas A&M University and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension! This collection of videos is for anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of ranching. New or inexperienced ranchers or landowners will learn the basics of soils, forage establishment, pasture management, and livestock and wildlife management.

You will have access to all videos to watch on-demand for a full year after purchase.

Who is this for?

  • New landowners.
  • Anyone interested in learning what it takes to manage a ranch.
  • Landowners interested in understanding the soil-plant-animal interface.
  • Anyone interested in natural resource management and land stewardship.

What will you get access to?

You will get access to 23 recordings from the 2023 Fall Ranch Management University, totaling over 20 hours of presentations from Texas A&M University and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension faculty. Some videos in this series cover:

Soil Management

  • Basic Soils (1 hour, 45 minutes)

Jake Mowrer, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension state fertility specialist, Bryan-College Station

Dig deep into understanding what soil is and how it affects the health of your pastures. From soil structure to the five factors of formation, Mowrer walks you through what you need to know to help you figure out what kind of soil you have to work with.

  • Soil Fertility (27 minutes) and Soil Fertility, cont (1 hour, 22 minutes)

Jake Mowrer, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension state fertility specialist, Bryan-College Station

Mowrer goes further into soil fertility and fertilizations by covering concepts, soil sampling and testing, soil nutrients, and fertilizers.

Soil Sampling in the Field (14 m)

Presenter: Jake Mowrer

Watch a demonstration of Mowrer and participants putting their new knowledge to practice sampling soil in College Station.

Other videos in the series cover:

  • Forage and Weed Management,
  • Livestock Management,
  • Wildlife Management,
  • and more!

NOTE: Interested in attending this event in person? The 2024 Spring Ranch Management University is April 8 - 12, 2024 and registration closes March 29!

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