Online Ranchers Leasing Workshop

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


This course, designed for both landowners and lessees, addresses the legal and economic issues surrounding grazing, hunting and livestock leases. Topics addressed include average cash lease rates, common payment structures, legal issues, and key terms to be included in lease agreements.

Course Information

This award-winning agricultural leasing workshop teaches landowners and people with an agricultural lease about the many legal and economic issues that pertain to ranchlands in Texas. Among other types of leases, this course applies to you if you lease your owned land or have a grazing lease, hunting lease and/or livestock lease.

This workshop will teach you...

  • The basics of a written agricultural lease agreement
  • The most common lease arrangements and payment structures
  • Possible terms included in an agricultural lease relating to termination
  • Resources for choosing a lease rate
  • Possible limitations included in a lease
  • Common lease terms related to mineral estates
  • Specific considerations for a hunting lease
  • The importance of liability coverage and insurance for an agricultural lease.

Over the last several years, instructors have held several workshops in Texas and 100% of the 1,200+ attendees say they would recommend this workshop to a friend.

Disclaimer: These courses do not offer any CEU credits for a pesticide license through the Texas Department of Agriculture, CE credits for the Texas Real Estate Commission, or CLE credits for the State Bar of Texas.


2020 - Outstanding Extension Program Award from the Western Agricultural Economics Association

2017 - Superior Service Award from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

2017 - District 1 Team Teaching Award from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

2015-2016 - Outstanding Outreach Award from the Southern Extension Risk Management Education Center

Participant Testimonials

- "Very informative and helpful. Loved the practical approach."

- "Fabulous!!! This is one of the best seminars I've ever attended!!"

- "Excellent workshop due to: Sources of info, Items to consider in written lease. Despite having a written lease, this workshop highlights how basic it is. As the landowner leasing for grazing, I plan to review/revise. Thanks!"

- "Fantastic program! Highly recommend it. I really appreciate all of the links and materials."

- "Great presentation and knowledge of the subject by Tiffany Lashmet and Dr. Kaase! Well done. Informative and practical mastery of the subject. Very useful for us lay people."

- "Very good workshop. Learned a lot of good info! Would definitely recommend it to other land owners that I know to attend."

- "Both speakers were excellent. I intend to use all the information. Both were very knowledgeable. I would go to both for any additional questions."

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