Save for a Rainy Day – Navigating Wildlife Water Needs in a Changing Climate
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- January 17, 2025
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
Publication Information
Water scarcity in Texas threatens wildlife. Many landowners are working hard to protect these vital water resources.
We can't do it without you.
Our "Save for a Rainy Day - Navigating Wildlife Water Needs in a Changing Climate," factsheet provides Texas landowners like you with the knowledge you need to support the water needs of wildlife on your land.
By implementing water conservation and habitat restoration practices, you can make a difference. Plus, you could qualify for tax relief through the Wildlife Tax Valuation program.
Inside, you'll find information and links to resources that teach you how to:
- Explore ways to provide water on your property.
- Access programs and incentives that support your conservation efforts, potentially reducing your tax burden.
- Contribute to a sustainable future for wildlife in Texas.
Water is the essence of life.
Download our Save for a Rainy Day factsheet and keep wildlife thriving in Texas!
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