Water Law
- Type
- Course
- Date of Publication
- July 7, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
Course Information
This course is a part of the larger Owning Your Piece of Texas course and it discusses Texas water law. Without question, this has been and will continue to be one of the most critical issues facing Texas landowners. This course will focus on the different legal schemes applicable to groundwater and surface water in Texas. Additionally, we will discuss the location and role of Groundwater Conservation Districts and discuss various key cases impacting Texas water law.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Distinguish between different categories of water
- Identify who owns groundwater and surface water in Texas
- Recall rights and limitations on rights to use groundwater in Texas
- Describe three key groundwater law cases in Texas
- Locate Groundwater Conservation Districts in Texas
- Identify statutory provisions related to exempt wells
- Explain requirements to be considered state-owned surface water
- Distinguish between state-owned surface water versus diffuse surface water
- Obey the rules regarding the prior appropriation doctrine
- Identify allowable exempt diversions
- Explain the implications of a stream being navigable
*You will have access to this course for 1 year before your account is unenrolled. If you enroll in the full course, you will have access to all 10 modules for 2 years.*
Disclaimer: This online course is for educational purposes only, does not create an attorney-client relationship, and is not a substitute for competent legal advice by an attorney licensed in your state. The information provided is merely provided as general guidance.
This course comes with the online version of the handbook. A hard copy may be purchased by contacting Lacrecia at 806-677-5600 or emailing [email protected].
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