Agrilife Extension Resources

We provide educational resources, workshops and technical assistance to communities throughout Texas, promoting the development of individual abilities and community support for creating and growing businesses, jobs, wealth and income.

Related Departments: Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications

Flags flying in front of Texas Capitol building
Showing results for: Community Development & Government
Asset Type: Publication
  • Publication

    Transit agencies play a crucial role in improving community resiliency, including communities’ ability to respond to natural hazards such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards.

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    Citizen science, also known as community and participatory science, is a term used to describe the participation of volunteers or any non-professional in scientific research.

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    The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis Invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is a serious pest throughout the eastern two-thirds of Texas and a nuisance that interferes with our daily lives. With their aggressive behavior and stings, worker ants from fire ant colonies threaten both humans and animals. Foraging ants and migrating colonies invade gardens, homes, electrical […]

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    Public Improvement Districts (PIDs) are becoming more prevalent across Texas. Given recent changes to real estate transaction notice requirements, a firm understanding of PIDs, their benefits, and how they impact the real estate transaction is vital to the success of real estate professionals. A PID represents a partnership agreement between a municipality or county and […]

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    Many city officials may not be aware of the underutilized benefits of parkland dedication ordinances. This publication expands on Parkland Dedication Ordinances in Texas: A Missed Opportunity and discusses best practices for establishing or revising parkland dedication ordinances. (108 pages)

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    This 2-page publication covers how your local emergency management officials have prepared to respond to disasters in your community, whether they occur naturally, man-made, or are the result of a national threat.

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    Esta publicación de dos páginas cubre cómo los funcionarios locales de manejo de emergencias se han preparado para responder a los desastres en su comunidad, ya sea que ocurran de forma natural, provocados por el hombre o sean el resultado de una amenaza nacional.

  • Publication

    Many Americans have an acute sense of time scarcity-the feeling that they lack enough time to do all they want to do. Park and recreation managers have been slow to address time scarcity. This is unfortunate because the survival of their organizations may well depend on their being regarded as a wise use of constituents’ […]

  • Publication

    Parks and park-like environments can support and encourage recreational and utilitarian activities, helping people increase their physical activity every day. This publication examines what communities need to understand about environmental factors that foster exercise in order to assess whether the design and location of their parks support physical activity. (2 Pages)

  • Publication

    By working with residents living near proposed or existing neighborhood parks, planners and decision-makers can design spaces that better meet the community's needs. This publication offers ideas on how citizens can design functional and safe neighborhood parks with elements people of all ages, including special populations, can use and enjoy. (2 Pages)