Municipalities & Infrastructure Water

We have a variety of materials and programs related to the design of community and municipal infrastructure for the purpose of helping conserve and protect water resources and avoiding damage from excessive water.

Related Departments: Soil and Crop Sciences, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences

Pipe embedded in soil

Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Reuse

BAEN has three major programs focused towards OSSF education and training: classroom education, field training and demonstration, and online (website) education and information dissemination.    

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Municipalities & Infrastructure Water



This publication discusses the design, construction, and maintenance of rain gardens as a stormwater best management practice.


Some onsite wastewater treatment systems include a disinfection component. This publication explains how homeowners can disinfect wastewater with ultraviolet light, what the components of such a system are, what factors affect the performance of a UV light disinfection system, and how to maintain such a system. (4 pages)


Particulate matter is the dust and other small particles that are suspended in the air. The Environmental Protection Agency regulates particulate matter because it can cause health problems when inhaled. This publication explains the two types of particulate matter, as well as current and proposed EPA standards. (2 pages)


We offer numerous free and affordable programs on agriculture and natural resources, family and community health, economic health and youth development. We also offer many volunteer opportunities. Browse the list below.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, Texas Community Watershed Partners (TCWP) has the resources to facilitate Partnerships, Planning, and Conservation.


The Texas Watershed Steward (TWS) program is a statewide educational program designed to improve the quality of Texas’ water resources. The program educates and informs locals about their watershed, its potential problems, and steps people can take to improve and protect surface water quality in their area.


Texas AgriLife Extension’s Urban and Municipal Park programs conduct research and provide continuing education for community leaders and boards, park practitioners, volunteers, and friends groups.



Learn to design and manage solar powered pumping systems for landscape and small landowner farming operations. This course provides 4 hours of continuing education units for Texas Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, and others who self-report.

Pros in Parks

This four-course bundle series is for anyone interested in learning about parks, open spaces, sports turf management, stream management, and more!

All Resources on Municipalities & Infrastructure Water

  • Publication

    Animal manure and wastewater are often applied to crops and pastures. Farmers and producers who use this effluent should calculate the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium it contains so that they do not overapply these nutrients when also using commercial fertilizer. This publication explains how to make those calculations. (4 pages)

  • Publication

    If your home or business uses a septic system, you need to know how to use and maintain it properly to prevent sewage from backing up into your house and contaminating groundwater, including your water well. This publication explains how to extend the life of your system, protect your well water and cut maintenance costs. […]

  • Publication

    Household wastewater treatment systems (septic systems) can contaminate groundwater unless they are properly designed, constructed, and maintained. This publication describes various kinds of systems and guides the homeowner in assessing their safety. (12 pages)

  • Publication

    Non-traditional soil additives include soil conditioners such as organic materials and minerals, soil activators that claim to stimulate soil microbes or inoculate soil with new beneficial organisms, and wetting agents that may be marketed to improve crop yields. As this publication advises, growers should evaluate such products carefully and conduct field trials to determine their […]

  • Publication

    Soil testing is the foundation of a sound fertility management program, and manure and effluent testing can provide additional information for its effective use. This publication will help you to manage crop nutrients through soil, manure, and effluent testing. (6 pages)

  • Publication

    Soil tests can be used to estimate the kinds and amounts of soil nutrients available to plants. They also can be used as aids in determining fertilizer needs. Properly conducted soil sampling and testing can be cost-effective indicators of the types and amounts of fertilizer and lime needed to improve crop yield. (3 pages)

  • Publication

    Following an 18-step procedure for performing an irrigation audit will help athletic field managers conserve water while maintaining a pleasing facility for recreational use. To perform the audit correctly, a field manager must determine the answers to several questions posed in the publication. (12 pages)

  • Publication

    Knowing how herbicides work and how to use them safely is important for both agricultural producers and home gardeners. This publication describes the symptoms of each category of herbicides (growth regulators, photosynthesis inhibitors, etc.), and lists products by common and trade names. (12 pages)

  • Publication

    When land is flooded by salt water, after a hurricane tidal surge, it can long-term effects on soil productivity and fertility. This publication explains how to reclaim flooded pasture land. Having the soil tested for salinity is an important step. (3 pages)

  • Publication

    Freshwater flooding from rivers, overflowing sewage and septic systems and other sources can have a significant effect on soil fertility and the physical and chemical properties of soil, in addition to the harm it may cause to the environment in general. This factsheet discusses agronomic and environmental concerns from freshwater flooding, as well as soil […]

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