Water is one of Texas’ most critical natural resources, so maintaining the health and sustainability of the Texas water sources and aquifers is vitally important. Our educational resources and regional experts teach Texans about water conservation, management and quality while protecting the state’s rivers, streams, lakes, bays and oceans.

Rainwater Harvesting
This program educates the public about rainwater harvesting and other water-related issues so that we can have a sustainable water supply for generations to come.

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All Resources on Water
- Publication
La corrosion es uno de los problemas mas comunes que afectan los suministros de agua domesticos. Esta publicacion describe las causas, los tipos de danos, los efectos sobre la salud y los metodos para resolver los problemas de corrosion por agua. (5 Paginas)
- Publication
This 2-page publication discusses the presence of lithium and other rare earth elements found in Texas.
- Publication
This free, downloadable 2-page publication discusses ways to protect your water supply.
- Publication
This 4-page publication outlines elements of water quality standards with a focus on understanding and controlling non-point source pollution.
- Publication
This 6-page publication explains how to plan, schedule, design, and maintain grassed waterways on your landscape.
- Publication
Soil tests can be used to estimate the kinds and amounts of soil nutrients available to plants. They also can be used as aids in determining fertilizer needs. Properly conducted soil sampling and testing can be cost-effective indicators of the types and amounts of fertilizer and lime needed to improve crop yield.
- Publication
Efficient water use is critical to protecting Texas’ greatest resource. The demand for water continues to increase with population and industry growth throughout many parts of the state. Rainwater harvesting is an innovative approach anyone can use that helps to conserve and protect both surface and groundwater resources. Rainwater can be a great water source […]
- Course
This online course is the first in a series of three developed to introduce homeowners, DIY hobbyists, or future commercial farm operators to the world of aquaponics.
- Course
An aerobic septic system, or aerobic treatment unit (ATU), uses oxygen to breakdown both dissolved and solid constituents into gases, cell mass, and non-degradable material contained in wastewater. This online course will teach you how to properly maintain and operate your ATU. You will have 30 days from the day you register to complete this program. If you do not complete the program within this limit, your registration will expire, and you will need to pay the registration fees again to start over.
- Publication
This publication explains how septic systems work and how to keep them running properly.