Flowers & Ornamentals
We provide educational information on selecting, growing and caring for flowers and ornamentals through AgriLife Extension horticulturists, online materials, hands-on workshops and virtual seminars. Similarly, we conduct research at trial gardens across the state to identify and determine which varieties are best suited for each region.

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Flowers & Ornamentals
All Resources on Flowers & Ornamentals
- Program
The Junior Master Gardener program, JMG, is an international youth gardening program of the university cooperative Extension network.
- Program
The Texas Master Gardener program trains and supports a network of volunteers to provide horticultural-related information within their communities.
- Podcast
AgriLife Extension Program Specialists, Molly Keck and Wizzie Brown, educate listeners about insects found in urban backyards and gardens of Texas.
- Program
Texas A&M AgriLife Foundation Seed produces and markets genetically pure seeds of new plant cultivars developed by scientists of Texas A&M AgriLife Research.