Irrigation of Lawns & Gardens
We provide Texans with publications and resources like in-person and online programming on irrigation water management, system scheduling and the types of irrigation systems best suited for lawn and garden needs across the state.
Related Departments: Horticultural Sciences, Soil and Crop Sciences

Texas A&M School of Irrigation
The School of Irrigation provides irrigation education through a variety of in-person and self-paced educational courses to meet the changing needs of the irrigation industry.

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Irrigation of Lawns & Gardens
All Resources on Irrigation of Lawns & Gardens
- Program
The Healthy Lawns Healthy Waters program aims to improve and protect surface water quality by enhancing awareness and knowledge of best management practices for residential landscapes.
- Tools and Apps
This app invites users to create a profile and receive weekly customized yard/grass water recommendations that tell them how long to run their irrigation systems.
- Lab
The Sprinkler and Smart Irrigation Technology Testing Lab evaluates irrigation components for their WaterSense product labeling program.
- Tools and Apps
A spreadsheet program that performs monthly water balance to see if application rate will exceed available soil moisture storage of a site planted in grass.