Search results for: “guide for weed insect disease control turfgrass”

  • Publication
    Grapevine pests and diseases can cause significant damage and crop loss, and the signs and symptoms of these ailments can be hard to recognize. This publication describes several pests and...
  • Publication
    This publication describes the various turfgrass species recommended for different areas of Texas. A table lists the characteristics of those grasses, such as drought tolerance and disease tolerance, to help...
  • Publication
    A preemergence herbicide is an herbicide that is designed to control weeds by interfering with seedling emergence following germination. They are commonly referred to in the lawn care industry as...
  • Publication
    This publication explains the steps involved in successfully establishing turfgrass on any site, whether it is a lawn or sports turf. It includes information about which species can be established...
  • Publication
    When performed properly, mowing is used to maintain a particular turf grass height and appearance that supports the specific use and aesthetic expectations of that area. This publication details several...
  • Publication
    White grubs are the larval stage of insects commonly known as May or June beetles. A few species commonly damage turfgrass and other cultivated plants. This publication includes biological and...
  • Publication
    This publication explains the steps involved in successfully establishing turfgrass on any site, whether it is a lawn or sports turf....
  • Publication
    Proper application of pesticides and fertilizers on turf grass is possible only with accurately calibrated equipment. This publication explains how to calibrate sprayers and includes a visual inspection checklist.(4 pages)...
  • Publication
    To apply pesticides and fertilizers on turf grass properly, you must have accurately calibrated equipment. This publication explains how to calibrate rotary and drop spreaders. A list of spreader operation...
  • We provide lawn and turfgrass education on identifying, selecting and planting the most appropriate grass for the region and purpose. Our resources cover everything from how to properly mow and...