Search results for: “controlling cottontail and jackrabbit damage”

  • Publication
    This free e-book explains the step-by-step process to assess, mitigate, and recover from water damage after a natural disaster....
  • Publication
    While often seen as a nuisance to residents and landowners, vultures can provide many benefits to the environment. Therefore, property owners and managers should aim to coexist with this protected...
  • Program
    ...between wildlife and human interests requires wildlife damage management expertise. Wildlife damage management is an integral component of professional wildlife management. The complex wildlife damage management environment includes a combination...
  • Publication
    To develop management strategies for feral hogs, a landowner or manager must understand their behaviors and recognize their signs. This publication discusses rooting damage, crop damage, wallows, rubs, tracks, trails,...
  • Publication
    ...Siberian and European elms. However, feeding damage is much less evident in varieties such as cedar elm, lacebark elm, American elm, and winged elm. Damage to these varieties may be...
  • Publication sound wood and can damage structures. This publication describes carpenter bees, their biology and behavior, and the damage they cause. Advice on prevention and control is included. (4 Pages)...
  • Publication
    Hunting billbugs are an occasional turfgrass pest in Texas, though their presence and impact appear to be increasing. The grasses they damage most often include bermudagrass and zoysiagrass turf, but...
  • Publication
    Plant-parasitic nematodes are microscopic roundworms that feed on plant roots. In turf grasses, they cause damage similar to that of water stress, nutrient deficiency, or root diseases. Golf course managers...
  • Publication
    Southern chinch bugs are common pests of St. Augustinegrass in the southern United States and often cause significant damage (Fig. 2) to turf during the summer months. While St. Augustinegrass...