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  • Publication
    Homeowners who use graywater to water their lawns need to understand the risks and safety issues associated with this practice. This publication discusses the constituents of graywater; their potential effects...
  • Publication
    To meet production goals and maintain profits, grain sorghum growers need to adopt an integrated approach to managing insect and mite pests. Integrated pest management (IPM) takes advantage of all...
  • Publication
    This book outlines the challenges and risks and covers everything one needs to know for managing a successful vineyard including site selection, choosing appropriate rootstock and varieties, horticulture, pruning, canopy...
  • Publication
    This curriculum will help children learn about the habitat needs of wildlife and develop a greater appreciation for the environment. The program culminates in a community service project, as the...
  • Publication
    Sustainable agriculture takes into account economic, environmental, and social aspects of selling an agricultural product. This publication explains the steps you need to take to create a sustainable agriculture business....
  • Publication
    Landowners and managers need a way of estimating quail populations to determine whether quail management practices are successful. Several direct and indirect methods of counting quail are described, including roadside...
  • Publication
    This publication explains why artificial drainage is needed on some soils, the types of drainage systems, drainage design considerations, and the steps and economics in installing a relief drainage system....
  • Publication
    ...checking the operation and maintenance. A list of needed tools, parts, and supplies as well as an aerobic system operation checklist are also included. (76 pages, 50 figures, 6 tables,...
  • Publication
    If your home or business uses a septic system, you need to know how to use and maintain it properly to prevent sewage from backing up into your house and...
  • Publication
    Community development is an essential component of county Extension education. To successfully incorporate community development into their programs, county agents and their supervisors need to recognize and define what is-...