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  • Publication
    SPA is a tool for determining the production and financial performance of an individual cow-calf enterprise. It allows producers to compare production systems, identify areas that need to be changed,...
  • Publication
    Hog production has changed dramatically since early pioneers in the Southern Ogallala Region raised a few hogs to supply their needs. Current swine operations are large, capital-intensive, and labor-efficient. This...
  • Publication
    ...institutions are requiring more and better information about enterprises before credit will be extended. This is a guide to the documentation you will need for a loan package. (3 pages)...
  • Publication
    A community assessment can be used to determine the needs within a community and the capacity at which they can be addressed. This factsheet offers guidelines and ideas to consider...
  • Publication
    Texas property owners need to understand the basics of Texas water law and their rights and legal limitations related to the use of water on their property. This publication discusses...
  • Publication
    Transit in rural communities can bring many opportunities and benefits, and each community is different in their needs for transportation. This publication discusses the problems, benefits, and implementation of public...
  • Publication
    ...emphasis on implications for risk management. To be successful in a rapidly changing global environment, farmers will need a clear understanding of risk and how to manage it. (4 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...human flea, and rat flea, are less common on pets and in homes. Fortunately, fleas need not be a serious problem because there are many effective treatments. An integrated flea...
  • Publication
    To meet production goals and maintain profits, grain sorghum growers need to adopt an integrated approach to managing insect and mite pests. Integrated pest management (IPM) takes advantage of all...
  • Publication
    People need parks. Great urban parks are places where communities come together, people interact, and social capital develops. Learn the characteristics of great urban parks and how they are created....