Search results for: “protect your water well during drought”

  • Publication
    If the amount of bare ground on your rangeland is increasing, there could be problems with water quality. Learn a simple method of monitoring the vegetative cover on your land,...
  • Course
    ...take leadership roles involving community and watershed-level water resource issues, Facilitate local efforts and activities to implement practices to improve water quality, Increase stakeholder involvement in watershed protection and management...
  • Program
    ...engages stakeholders in planning and implementing water resource management and protection programs in their area watershed. The Texas Watershed Steward program is a partnership between the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension...
    Cibolo Creek at Crescent Bend Nature Park
  • Program
    This program educates the public about rainwater harvesting and other water-related issues so that we can have a sustainable water supply for generations to come. This website is full of...
  • Research Institute or Center
    The Texas Water Resources Institute, TWRI, has helped solve Texas’ water issues through research, education and outreach for 68 years. TWRI provides science-based, community-supported solutions for the state’s pressing water...
    Students in a boat at the Aquacultural Research
  • Project
    Explore and enjoy learning about: Water resources Water conservation Water cycle Water treatment Water chemistry Water stewardship Watershed protection...
    students testing water
  • Course
    ...water cycle Texas watersheds impairments of water quality and quantity testing mechanisms and regulations surrounding Texas water protection programs and Best Management Practices (BMPs) in agricultural, urban and small-acreage, and...
  • Course
    ...between different categories of water Identify who owns groundwater and surface water in Texas Recall rights and limitations on rights to use groundwater in Texas Describe three key groundwater law...
  • Publication
    ...quality in the Plum Creek Watershed. This publication explains the steps being taken to improve water quality in the watershed through the implementation of a watershed protection plan. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    Efficient water use is critical to protecting Texas’ greatest resource. The demand for water continues to increase with population and industry growth throughout many parts of the state. Rainwater harvesting...