Search results for: “4-h youth development managing beef cattle for show”

  • Course
    Course Information Research shows that implementing policies can help promote behavior change. This online course for early childhood educators and child care providers discusses the steps of policy development, implementation,...
  • Course
    ...outdoor and nature-based learning experiences; and Identify opportunities to enhance the quality of teacher-child interactions during outdoor and nature play in their programs. The development of this online course was...
  • Publication
    ...untreated, it can cause severe defoliation. This publication discusses the symptoms of the disease, what causes it, environmental factors that favor its development, and how to control it. (2 Pages)...
  • Course
    ...that can be obtained through purposeful observation in the early childhood classroom; and Describe when and how to use observation to gather each type of information. The development of this...
  • Course
    ...and types of assessments are examined. This 4-hour course for early learning educators is designed to review the purposes of assessment, how to evaluate and interpret the results, and create...
  • Course The development of this online course was 100% funded by federal Child Care and Development Funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as part of an...
  • Course children; Describe how outdoor connections and nature interactions facilitate environmental stewardship; and Develop outdoor learning spaces and activities that foster environmental stewardship. The development of this online course was...
  • Course early childhood setting; and Plan meaningful outdoor and nature play experiences for young children. The development of this online course was 100% funded by federal Child Care and Development...
  • Course business, including business operations, bookkeeping, and marketing. The development of this online course was 100% funded by federal Child Care and Development Funds from the U.S. Department of Health...
  • Publication
    ...common and destructive diseases of roses, affecting every rose species and cultivar. This publication summarizes the disease symptoms, cause, environmental factors that favor its development, and control measures. (2 Pages)...