Search results for: “4-h youth development managing beef cattle for show”

  • Course
    ...role in championing outdoor and nature play experiences for young children in your community. The development of this online course was 100% funded by federal Child Care and Development Funds...
  • Course
    ...for children; and Create opportunities to continue health and safety learning with children’s families. The development of this online course was 100% funded by federal Child Care and Development Funds...
  • Program
    Thanks to a USDA NIFA Beginning Farmer Rancher Development Program grant the BattleGround to Breaking Ground Program (BGBG) was developed to increase the number of farmers and ranchers & enhance...
    Person in a row of crops
  • Course
    ...fencing, water rights, etc. Land management techniques Alternative operations to add to the business Setting goals with measurable objectives for success In addition to business plan development, you will receive...
  • Publication
    Emus are native to Australia. Commercial production there and in the United States is a recent development.This publication will teach you about the basics of starting a business with emu...
  • Publication
    Las personas que permanecen en refugios temporales y centros de evacuacion pueden estar en riesgo de contraer enfermedades que se propagan en condiciones de hacinamiento. Mantener la higiene personal es...
  • Program
    Texas Friendly creates an environment fostering best practices in customer service. We certify Texas Friendly Instructors and provide workshops that help your staff cultivate the most up to date hospitality...
  • Publication
    People who are staying in temporary shelters and evacuation centers may be at risk for diseases that spread in crowded conditions. Maintaining personal hygiene is one way to protect yourself....
  • Publication
    Citizen science, also known as community and participatory science, is a term used to describe the participation of volunteers or any non-professional in scientific research. Although the term "citizen science"...
  • Course
    Course Information This course will take approximately 5 hours to complete. You can complete this course at your own pace. Your progress in the course will be saved if you...