Search results for: “Childcare Training”

  • Course increase how you can use your observations to increase learning for your children. This course may be included in the training hours needed for the CDA credential. In this...
  • Program
    ...principal provider of recertification training by offering training events, developing curricula for others to deliver, and serving as speakers for training sessions offered by other organizations. Pesticides are important tools...
    Tractor applying pesticide to crops in a field
  • Course requirements related to animal food hygiene and food safety and addresses the following: FSMA requirements, including training and documentation requirements Importance of employee health and personal hygiene Responsibilities of...
  • Course
    ...on ways to strengthen your classroom management routines. Funding for this 2-hour training was provided by the Workforce Solutions as part of their Early Care and Education Quality Improvement initiative....
  • Course
    Course Information This course is designed to assist child care providers in establishing positive partnerships with parents. Students will examine topics such as how to conduct initial parent-caregiver meetings, how...
  • Course
    ...from one activity to the next and strategies for keeping children engaged during circle time are introduced through this course. Funding for this 2-hour training was provided by the Workforce...
  • Course
    ...Science Earth and Space and Environmental Science Funding for this 2-hour training course was provided by the Workforce Solutions as part of their Early Care and Education Quality Improvement initiative....
  • Course
    ...ideas to build an ‘Observation Station’ with cost-effective, simple, sensory-rich explorations your preschoolers will love. Funding for this 2-hour training was generously provided through a grant by The Boeing Company....
  • Course
    ...for each and step-by-step instructions for using the tasks with your children are provided. Funding for this 2-hour training course was generously provided through a grant by The Boeing Company....
  • Course
    ...materials which allow children to explore mathematical ideas throughout the classroom are provided. Funding for this 2-hour online training course was generously provided through a grant by The Boeing Company....