Search results for: “Drought”

  • Publication
    ...the ultimate cause of the quail decline. Healthy quail populations-which can persist through natural disturbances such as drought and support sustainable hunting-are a product of contiguous, quality habitat. (18 pages)...
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    Livestock grazing is a tool for managing economic and climatic risks. Overgrazing increases a producer's risk should drought occur or market prices decline. This publication explains the importance of leaving...
  • Publication properly stocked for the amount of forage available. Knowing how to estimate the grazing intensity and the percent of forage used can protect the producer from drought. (2 pages)...
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    Planting summer annual grasses can help you overcome summer forage shortages. These grasses can be very useful because they grow rapidly, tolerate drought, respond well to fertilizer and water, and...
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    When hail, drought, flooding, or untimely freezes destroy an established crop, planting an emergency alternative crop may be the producer's only hope for a profitable season. This publication helps producers...
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    ...forage needs, it is important to produce enough hay to meet your livestock’s nutrient requirements during periods of drought, ice, or snow. This publication covers selecting forage species, animal nutrient...
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    Growers have more transgenic corn hybrids to choose from than ever before. While these traits offer resistance to insects, herbicides, disease, and drought, growers must manage these hybrids appropriately and...
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    Jujubes are among the easiest tree fruit for home gardeners to grow. They are drought-tolerant, have few disease and insect pest problems, and need relatively little care to yield plenty...
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    St. Augustinegrass is a warm-season turfgrass with drought- and heat-tolerant qualities that is popular for home lawns. This publication discusses several strategies to the establishment and maintenance of St. Augustinegrass....
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    ...severe drought combined with fluctuating periods of extreme, unseasonal flooding created conditions for outbreaks of diseases and pests that, under normal conditions, do not kill trees. The solution to these...