Search results for: “Plants Trees”

  • Publication
    ...minimize the damage before and after a storm. It also explains the results of a study on the effects of saltwater flooding to 10 types of vegetable plants. (2 Pages)...
  • Publication
    Characteristics of common range and pasture plants are listed in this publication. The common and scientific names of each species are given, along with the species' value as a grazing...
  • Publication
    Rangeland brush can be managed to accommodate wildlife. This publication discusses wildlife habitat requirements and lists 70 species of woody plants and the types of wildlife each attract, including butterflies,...
  • We have a number of resources and experts available to help pond owners identify native and invasive aquatic plants and provide solutions for nuisance species found in Texas ponds. Resources...
  • Publication
    The introduction of exotic and ornamental plant species has had a negative impact on the ecological productivity of ecosystems that are vital to native wildlife. Native plants, on the other...
  • Publication
    This publication provides beef producers with information on managing a nutrition program for range beef cattle. It discusses forage needs, body condition, crude protein and digestibility of forage in the...
  • We offer educational resources on weeds, native weeds and invasive species of plants. Information on topics ranging from the economic and environmental harm of invasive species to how to control...
  • Publication
    Local native fauna immediately congregates in the successfully restored wetland basins-completing the restoration cycle. The time needed to complete the restoration from plant collection to final establishment can stretch over...
  • Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service offers a wide variety of programs, brochures, field days and one-pagers to help Texans with agricultural crop production, whether that is a food crop or...