Search results for: “Plants Trees”
- PublicationStrawberries are small, evergreen plants in the rose family. Although strawberries are a perennial crop, in Texas, they are commonly grown as annuals. This factsheet instructs gardeners on the care...
- PublicationAphids damage cotton by sucking sap from plants, stunting plant growth and yield, and fouling leaves and bolls with honeydew, all of which translates into economic loss for cotton producers....
- PublicationPlants must have light, moisture, and nutrients to grow. The sun provides light. Moisture comes from rainfall or irrigation. Nutrients come from fertilizers, compost, or manure. If plants are not...
- PublicationLandowners replant a pasture for many reasons such as invasive plants, drought impacts, wildlife concerns, or changes in the ranch operation. This publication uses a series of questions and examples...
- ServiceTexas is home to countless varieties of plants. Several varieties are toxic to certain animal species while other varieties may be toxic only under certain environmental conditions. The Texas A&M...
- Publication...all, and the plants will grow slowly or become stunted. If the salinity concentration is high enough, the plants will wilt and die, no matter how much they are watered....
- PublicationTwo-spotted spider mites are commonly found infesting many plants and crops, having been recorded on over 300 plant species. They feed on the undersides of leaves and can cause discoloration...
- PublicationFasciation is a rare phenomenon in more than 100 plants, including roses. It does no lasting harm and some plants are highly prized for the unique characteristics fasciation causes. This...
- Tools and AppsPlant Answers is an archive of questions and answers related to plants and gardening organized by topic.
- ProjectWant to learn how to make your own aloe gel for sunburns? Or how to grow vegetables that your family can eat for dinner? Join the plants and gardening project...