Search results for: “fire ants”
- Publication...Watermelons are a member of the cucurbit family, along with squash, cucumbers, and pumpkins. This factsheet instructs gardeners on the care of watermelon plants and provides two recipes that showcase...
- crop that does best at temperatures between 50 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This factsheet instructs gardeners on the care of cilantro plants and provides two recipes that showcase cilantro....
- PublicationAphids often called "plant lice" can be a problem in Texas landscapes by feeding on agricultural and horticultural crops. This publication discusses the identification and lifecycle, damage to plants, common...
- PublicationFasciation is a rare phenomenon in more than 100 plants, including roses. It does no lasting harm and some plants are highly prized for the unique characteristics fasciation causes. This...
- PublicationBlackberry plants are excellent additions to Texas home gardens. They can be grown easily in small areas, they tolerate the high temperatures of Texas summers, and they bear abundant fruit...
- Publication...for pickling and for adding flavor to stews and roasts. This factsheet instructs gardeners on the care of dill plants and provides a recipe that showcases the herb. (2 pages)...
- PublicationThe Texas Plant Disease Handbook serves as a historical and general reference guide of potential plant health issues affecting crops, flowers, trees, turfgrass and other plants. Developed by Texas A&M...
- Publication...range of host plants, but the ones that are considered pests may feed on and damage many vegetable and field crops, greenhouse and nursery crops, and house plants. (8 pages)....
- PublicationIf the leaves on your vegetable plants are twisted or curled, the problem could be environmental, chemical, or biological. This publication outlines five primary causes of damage to vegetable plants...
- PublicationSooty mold is a coating of dark brown to black fungal growth that makes plants look like they are covered with soot, hence the name. The fungus grows in honeydew,...