Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Course hour of continuing education credit. Participants will review the basics of ethics and receive guidance to base decisions upon when faced with ethical issues. Included in the course are...
  • Publication
    Publication Information Whiteflies are a pest of many horticultural crops. Learn about the major pest species of whiteflies, how to identify them, their life cycles, their damage to host plants,...
  • Publication crop that does best at temperatures between 50 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This factsheet instructs gardeners on the care of cilantro plants and provides two recipes that showcase cilantro....
  • Publication
    If the leaves on your vegetable plants are twisted or curled, the problem could be environmental, chemical, or biological. This publication outlines five primary causes of damage to vegetable plants...
  • Publication
    ...causing significant problems. Sesame is vulnerable to leafroller attack from emergence through cutout when 90 percent of plants have no open white flowers. Currently, there are few conventional insecticides labeled...
  • Tools and Apps
    Plant Answers is an archive of questions and answers related to plants and gardening organized by topic.
  • Project
    Want to learn how to make your own aloe gel for sunburns? Or how to grow vegetables that your family can eat for dinner? Join the plants and gardening project...
    girls tending a school garden
  • Publication
    ...for pickling and for adding flavor to stews and roasts. This factsheet instructs gardeners on the care of dill plants and provides a recipe that showcases the herb. (2 pages)...
  • Publication
    ...Watermelons are a member of the cucurbit family, along with squash, cucumbers, and pumpkins. This factsheet instructs gardeners on the care of watermelon plants and provides two recipes that showcase...
  • Publication
    ...the commercial turf, lawn care, or landscaping industries. Publication Outline Characteristics of Grassbur Germination and adaptations of grassbur Preemergent Control Strategies to control grassbur in turf before plants can get...