Search results for: “fire ants”

  • Course
    Course Information One of the most important responsibilities of infant and toddler caregivers is to keep children safe and healthy. This 2-hour online course is designed to help caregivers: identify...
  • Publication
    Fecal egg counts are a practical, cost-effective diagnostic tool for determining parasite burden in sheep and goats. This publication describes the materials and equipment needed and explains the procedure for...
  • Publication
    Local native fauna immediately congregates in the successfully restored wetland basins-completing the restoration cycle. The time needed to complete the restoration from plant collection to final establishment can stretch over...
  • Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service offers a wide variety of programs, brochures, field days and one-pagers to help Texans with agricultural crop production, whether that is a food crop or...
  • Course
    Course Information This online course teaches you how to plan and maintain native plants. After completing this course, you can select which plants are native to your area, which equipment...
  • Publication
    Since the discovery in Harris County, Texas, in 2002, tawny crazy ants (Nylanderia fulva Mayr) have expanded their invasive range to include 43 Texas counties (Fig. 1). These ants have...
  • Program
    The impact of red imported fire ants in the state of Texas is estimated to be $1.2 billion annually. Red imported fire ants are pests of urban, agricultural and wildlife...
    fire ant
  • Tools and Apps
    ...for plants by specific characteristics. The Earth–Kind® Plant Selector does NOT provide information concerning the potential invasiveness of landscape plants, though plants with a high Earth–Kind® index value will generally...
    bluebonnets and maroon bluebonnets in a field
  • Publication
    Plants can alter their physiological functions to cope with short-term water stress, and some plants have physical characteristics that help them better tolerate drought. This publication explains how plants respond...