Restoring Native Grasslands
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- December 7, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
Much of Texas' native grasslands have been converted to improved pastures and cropland, neither of which is suitable for wildlife habitat. Now, many landowners are interested in restoring native grasses because they are cheaper to produce for forage than are improved pastures and they also encourage wildlife. This publication explains how to carry out such restoration and the results to expect. (4 pages)
More choices in Crops & Produce
- Publication
This three-page factsheet describes the symptoms and phases of this new disease, as well as yield impact, and management.
- Publication
This factsheet discusses soil texture, mineral content, nutrient-holding capacity, soil acidity and alkalinity, water-holding capacity, and more to help you understand and manage your soil for healthy grapevine growth and production.
- Publication
This fact sheet discusses the steps necessary to conduct a grapevine tissue nutrient analysis, including when, where, and what to sample.
- Publication
Sustainable viticulture is a way to promote success in Texas vineyards.
- Publication
This fact sheet discusses the steps necessary to prepare grapevine tissue samples for analysis.
- Course
The Viticulture Concepts and Practices course and textbook bundle prepares learners for successful careers in the grape industry.