V.G. Young Institute of County Government

Colorful mural on a small town building


The V.G. Young Institute of County Government, part of The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, provides continuing education for elected county officials across Texas.


Peter McGuill, Ph.D
Program Director
Address: 600 John Kimbrough Blvd, Suite 128
College Station, TX 77843-2137

M-F 8:00 am-5:00 pm

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service serves every county in Texas, with a network of 1,400 employees across the state and a presence in all 254 counties. Through this extensive network, county judges and commissioners have received educational programs from AgriLife Extension for over five decades. Recognizing the need for a formal organization to provide educational programs for county officials, the Texas Legislature created the V.G. Young Institute of County Government in 1969.

As a part of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the Texas A&M University System, the Institute has many valuable resources at its disposal. The Institute often looks to these resources to assist with educational programs. With 12 Research and Extension Centers located across the state and a presence in all 254 counties, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the V.G. Young Institute of County Government are well positioned to serve county government and Texans.

Schools for County Officials

The Institute annually offers continuing education schools for county judges, commissioners, and county tax assessor-collectors.

The faculty and staff of the Institute work with the officers and education committees from the various elected officials’ organizations to plan relevant and effective educational programs.

Advanced Training

Advanced training for county officials beyond the state-mandated educational requirements is an essential part of the Institute’s efforts. Partnering with the County Judges and Commissioners Association and the Texas Association of Counties, the Institute worked to develop the Commissioners Court Advanced Curriculum (CCAC) Program, advanced certification for county judges and commissioners.

The Institute also offers a two-year advanced leadership program, the Commissioner’s Court Leadership Academy, for Texas commissioner's court members.

Looking for solutions in your county? Contact your local extension experts

  • Course

    This course is intended for local elected officials and others interested in natural resource planning, positive land use, flood insurance rate maps, and effective floodplain management.

  • Course

    This course is intended for local elected officials and others interested in natural resource planning, positive land use, open space preservation, green infrastructure, elevation, or buyout-related activities.

  • Course

    Hear first-person perspectives about strategic approaches other Texas communities have used to link risk management with their ongoing community planning and vision. The art of good planning is about injecting long-term considerations into near-term actions.

  • Course

    This 2-course bundle provides students access to both courses in the Texas Citizen Planner Program at a discount. Each unit includes reading materials, case studies, and engaging instruction from planning leaders, practitioners, and researchers.

  • Course

    The Texas Citizen Planner Program is for community stakeholders and local officials who want to understand how community planning works and how it shapes development. Each of the four classes includes reading materials, case studies, and engaging instruction from planning leaders, practitioners, and researchers.

  • Publication

    Mobility is important for older rural adult populations, but options are limited in certain communities. Improving public transportation in rural communities allows older adult populations mobility and independence. (2 pages)