A Classroom Where Everyone Belongs

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


Early childhood teachers need to be able to work effectively with children of different abilities, disabilities, and backgrounds. Understanding what inclusion is and the benefits to children, families, and teachers is explored. Specific teaching practices and strategies to use with special needs populations are provided.

Course Information

Early childhood classrooms are diverse settings and teachers need the tools and understanding to be able to work effectively with children of different abilities, disabilities, and backgrounds.

Understanding the different types and ways to accommodate children, as well as specific teaching strategies for special populations are explored.

This online course addresses the laws, ethical, and professional responsibilities to families, and discusses how best to serve families with children with special needs.

Funding for this 1-hour training course was provided by the Workforce Solutions as part of their Early Care and Education Quality Improvement initiative.

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