Aerial Applicator CEU Course
- Type
- Course
- Date of Publication
- July 7, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
Course Information
This online course provides two CEUs to TDA agricultural applicators. Aerial applicators will receive the required credits for drift minimization and safety addressing human factors. All TDA applicators who complete the course will gain knowledge of spray drift minimization as well as pesticide safety.
Applicator recertification requirements:
- Commercial/Noncommercial Applicators: Section 7.24 (t)(2) of the Texas Pesticide Laws and Regulations relating to commercial/noncommercial applicator recertification states 'A commercial or noncommercial applicator may not re-certify their license using department-approved correspondence activities for two consecutive years.'
- Private Applicators: Section 7.24 (v)(5) of the Texas Pesticide Laws and Regulations relating to private applicator recertification states 'A private applicator may not obtain more than 10 CEUs through correspondence activities in any five-year recertification cycle.'
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