After the Conservation Reserve Program: Economic Decisions with Wildlife in Mind
- Type
- Publication
- Date of Publication
- August 31, 2021
- Price
- See Agrilife Learn
As Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) contracts begin to expire, landowners must decide to re-enroll the land in the program, convert it back to crops or leave it in permanent cover for grazing and for wildlife. This publication is one of a series exploring those options.
More choices in Animals & Livestock
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This manual explains how to evaluate horses in contests or as potential purchases.
Note: This is a paid downloadable publication. - Publication
Veterinary Science CDE Handbook for educators and students interested in veterinary science.
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This manual aids in teaching beginners and experienced individuals how to properly evaluate live birds, ready-to-cook poultry, shell eggs, and processed poultry. It also includes information related to poultry production, management, and science and cooperating with others in solving poultry industry problems.
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This handbook is designed for teaching both beginners and experienced individuals to properly evaluate dairy cattle based on live animal comparisons as well as pedigree information.
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This course is the first of four sections of the full Veterinary Science: Independent Study Curriculum. It contains the first 6 chapters.