Child Maltreatment: A Guide for Child Care Professionals

Date of Publication
July 7, 2021
See Agrilife Learn


Each year, nearly a million cases of child maltreatment, which includes both abuse and neglect, are confirmed, and many more probably go unreported. This course is designed to give child care professionals the tools to prevent, identify, and report child abuse and neglect among the children in your care.

Course Information

Each year, nearly a million cases of child maltreatment, which includes both abuse and neglect, are confirmed, and many more probably go unreported. Maltreatment has a long-term impact on the affected child, and also carries heavy costs for families, communities, and society as a whole.

This 2-hour online course is designed to give child care professionals, including caregivers and administrators, the tools to prevent, identify, and report child abuse and neglect among the children in your care.

This course was developed and produced by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service of the Texas A&M University System in cooperation with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Child Care Licensing Division, and using funds provided by the Texas Workforce Commission.

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