Child Passenger Safety Tech Update , Part 2 - Misuse and Best Practice: What Does the Latest Research Show?

Date of Publication
February 15, 2022
See Agrilife Learn


A discussion of the effects of common misuse and combinations of misuse and its effect on pediatric injury. An analysis of the data was done to show which misuse is most dangerous for the different types of restraints including a comparison of injuries to children when using optimal restraints, suboptimal restraints and when unrestrained to see if the data supports current best practice recommendations.

Course Information

A discussion of the effects of common misuse and combinations of misuse and its effect on pediatric injury. An analysis of the data was done to show which misuse is most dangerous for the different types of restraints including a comparison of injuries to children when using optimal restraints, suboptimal restraints and when unrestrained to see if the data supports current best practice recommendations.

Course Objectives

  • Discuss effects of child restraint misuse on dynamic performance
    • Determine misuse consequences and effects using dynamic testing
    • Provide more data to help delineate between minor, moderate, and major misuse
    • Focus on misuse modes most prevalent in the field
  • Evaluate factors affecting child injury risk in motor vehicle crashes using more recent data sets, vehicle models, and following 2011 AAP and NHTSA updated recommendations.

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